Below are some comments made by Group II participants of the 2007 Turkish Cultural Foundation study-tour to Turkey.
Summer 2007 Teacher Study Tours
I am so grateful to the TCF for this opportunity. Each day, I discover something new and amazing about Turkey! The people have been wonderfully gracious and friendly. The sights have been awe- inspiring. Words simply cannot express what a valuable experience this has been for me. Thank you so much. Angela Cartwright Lysnkey, Columbus, USA
I had never traveled abroad before and many family members, friends, and co-workers were shocked I was going to a country as dangerous as Turkey. After having been here 15 days, I have to say I have never met so many friendly people. From the merchants at the Grand Bazaar, to the water vendor who knew me by name on the streets of Istanbul, to the women having an Amway meeting in Amasya I felt welcomed and respected by all. I will never forget the imam who took his time to read part of the Koran with a smile for all of us, his students for that moment. Beth MacLehose, Columbus, OH, USA
I can’t put into words all the sights and sounds of such a rich, diverse country. I didn’t know what to expect but I am fondly taking home many memories which I will share with my students and community. Pat Huss, Columbus, USA
Your investment in the experience will result in countless hours of fascinating projects and research about Turkey – an amazing country with a balance of rich tradition and modern growth! I have learned so much as a result of your generosity. What I had previously in terms of knowledge about policy and contemporary issues I can now enhance greatly. I’ll forever remember the feel of Turkey, the sounds, landscape, food, art, and people and will work to make it real for my students as well. I plan a return trip in the near future – both with students and with my husband as this country is a very romantic place! I will be indebted to all of you forever for making this possible. Stephanie Calondis, Columbus, OH, USA
Older Turks to children have been a spirit of joy: we respect each other. Looking at the stars one night, we all felt serene and asked the unanswerable question: why can′t the world show the same respect that we have encountered? "See with your mind; hear with your heart." Turkish proverb that’s what this study tour has done: I have seen with my mind, but my heart has listened as well. Thanks for filling my memory card with unforgettable delights.
Marilyn Strelau, Connecticut, USA
These past two weeks have been life changing for me. To travel to such historical places and see firsthand how much Turkey has been a part of history –center stage in fact- has been eye opening. The grandness of Istanbul, the beauty of Bosphorus, the classical history of Turkey, the importance Turkey has played as stops along the Silk Road, the history of Ottoman Turkey, the beauty of Islamic mosques and medresses, etc. I can go on and on. My knowledge of this land, history and people has so immensely increased! Thank you Turkish Cultural Foundation.
Maria Avery, Connecticut, USA
Not all the DVDs I watched nor all the books I read prepared me for the beauty of Turkey, the varying landscapes proudly waving the Turkish flag and minarets dotting the country.
Susan Kopecki, Connecticut, USA
My impressions of Turkey – firstly I am impressed by the history of this area and how each succeeding group has built upon the previous groups. This has created such a beautiful patterns of diversity and tolerance. I love the pride of the people in their history and the layer upon layer of cultures which is modern Turkey.Secondly, I see Turkey as an amazing example of democracy for this whole area of the world and I would like to see a stronger partnership between the USA and Turkey because we share important beliefs in human dignity and democracy. Nancy Billman, North Carolina, USA
The overwhelming emotion I’ve experienced over and over on this trip is appreciation – appreciation for Turkey. Its history is my history. Every event in Turkey’s past has had a indirect influence on the way most of the world lives today. It is a part of the “New World’s” past. So how come when I talk about Turkey to people at home, they have so many misperceptions? I will continue to educate people about Turkey, and now I am so much more equipped to do that. Nancy Goodwin, North Carolina, USA
This visit to Turkey has been a highlight of my life. The amazing legacy left by ancient civilizations and the impressive dynamism of contemporary Turkey exist side by side and serve to make Turkey an utterly fascinating place. Given this rich history and its importance to contemporary world affairs, it is unfortunate that it is often given short shrift in typical school curricula in the U.S. The Turkish Cultural Foundation has given us a tremendous gift in this experience. In response, all of us will trumpet the virtues of this nation back home in America and work hard to not only have it represented more in American classrooms, but to also forge closer ties between our two countries. Bob Herold, Seattle, USA
I am overwhelmed with the hospitality and graciousness of everyone I have met. I will take this opportunity to experience the glory and luminosity of Turkey to my heart, and share what I have learned both through my teaching and because I am a citizen of our world community. Each day on this journey I have been privileged to new priceless artifacts o truly magnificent civilization. Jan Morgan, Seattle, USA
We have been guided expertly by Serhan, Hulya and others along the way. It’s a portable university, a portable feast, a paradigm shift of tectonic scale. I’d love to bring a group of students here, they’d never se the world the same way again. Rebecca Timson, Seattle, USA
It will be impossible to remember every moment of this trip, but the special memories will be once to last a lifetime. I am grateful to the Turkish Cultural Foundation for this amazing opportunity and wish them the best of luck in expanding this program to even more education throughout the U.S. Jesse Sealey, South Dakota, USALearning more about Turkish art forms has been a highlight. I appreciate the way people in this country treasure old traditions and then use that background to inform current and future parts of this lives.
The more I learn, the more I want to learn. This introduction to the richness of Turkey will be a springboard for asking and searching answers to new questions. It will be a joy to share about Turkey with people in. Kathryn Ann Miller, South Dakota, USA
I had high expectations for this trip but somehow the Turkish Cultural Foundation found a way to exceed them!... Every day and every way. Clearly this program was put together with great care and the result is that at the end of each day I felt filled to the brim with new knowledge, images, insights and fantastic food – but now, at the end of the trip, I find myself hungry for more. All the efforts put forth to make this trip memorable are deeply appreciated.Mere words cannot express my gratitude for the great gift of this trip. I will work hard to repay the opportunity by teaching more about Turkey with greater understanding... And I will be back. Cindy McNulty, Pittsburg, PA, USA
It is difficult to contain in one page all of the various impressions that I have of Turkey. How does one sum up over 8,000 years of history and culture? How does one do any justice to the tastes, sounds, and smells? Where can one go to meet people that are more friendly?The trip has been one of discovery and awe from Istanbul to Ankara. There was so much that I did not know about the country, and I know there is so much to learn. Turkey is a proud country and one I very much admire. I think that when people –Americans- came here, they leave with a more informed and positive impression than what they had before they left home.
Gary Peiffer, Pittsburgh, USA
Before coming, I had no idea of the vast diversity I would encounter. I hope I can do Turkey justice after returning home. I felt very at home here and that is due to the very warm & friendly Turkish people that I met. Every day was filled with new adventurous and sweet smiles. Victoria Robins, Pittsburg, PA, USA
This has been one of the most professionally –rewarding experiences of my career. The understanding, experiences and stories I have acquired over the last two weeks will enrich my teaching for decades to come. David Rezelman, Hampton Roads, Virginia, USA
After all that we’ve seen and done over the last few weeks it still seems as though we’ve barely scratched the surface of what Turkey has to offer. So many cultures have passed through and left their mark on this land! It’s truly awe-inspiring. Lisa Marie Priddy, Hampton Roads, Virginia, USA
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